Another fine morning to run before the snow or rain hit the B'ville area. I took off as I usually do for my Baker HS 5 Mile run, but this time I added a few extra miles, attempting for 10, but I would have to settle for 9.75.
I commenced the run up the Baker Drive passed Elden to Durgee and took that long dive out to the village. When I finally reached the legion Post on 370, I had to go. I safely reached the Dunkin Donuts on 31 in a nick of time. Ran out to find the cinder path closed due to too much snow and too high snow banks. Headed out to 31 again and ran down Syracuse St (48) to Mildred to Downer to 690 and up Crego St. A tough hill to climb. Continued to Tappan running aside the cemetery; I said a prayer to our Lady and reached Syracuse St (48) again and hit the bridges.
Once over the bridges, I ran along the river/canal to North St.; another tough hill to climb until reaching the light at Oneida and Syracuse St. Continued, finally, down hill passed the high school to Mechanic St, to Burger King and turned onto Palmer St up the long drive to Durgee and back around to Baker HS and the STOP sign in front of the admin building.
Great run. Love the route. I "ran" into two other runners and a few walkers. All were smiling and glad to have a nice morning to run and walk, respectively. Baldwinsville needs to take advantage of its village for good runs. The motto of the village is "Lock into an Experience". But they have yet to "lock" anybody into any experience.
The village offers several fine cafes and restaurants that only need to be discovered. The Paper Mill Island is awesome; too bad is closed in the winter. I run with the Lake Effect Run Club, and we need to do a run that ends for a beer at the Lake Effect Grill. I can't wait to go out and run and see the Village of Baldwinsville again. This week I will stop in at the Canal Walk Cafe. I'll let you know how it goes.
See you on the road.
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