Great run this afternoon. Seven of us met at Clinton Square and ran the first half of the Mountain Goat. The group consisted of Ray, Jen, Jennifer, Jaimie, Ken, Ben, and myself. It was a pleasure meeting Jennifer and Jaimie for the first time, and I hope to run with them again.
Although the weather was chilly, I over layered and was sweating quickly after we started down Clinton St. So, being a relatively new runner, I now know how to dress for 35 degree temp and wind. Jaimie, Jennifer, and Ken ran a quicker pace while Ray, Jen, and I ran more leisurely. Thank goodness we did run slower because Ben came late and sprinted to catch up as we approached the circle over looking the Dome at Onondaga Park/Hiawatha Lake. We couldn't believe he made it that far that quick. ben is definetly a strong runner.
We finished the course heading down South Ave back to Onondaga St to Clinton St and back to the skating rink, exchanged some parting words, made some plans to run again during the week and departed for home.
Once the skating rink opens, we should run 6 miles, skate 2 miles and close with a cold 10 mile bike ride... Anybody with me?
Enjoy the remainder of the weekend. Hopefully we'll meet more runners next weekend.
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