Friday, November 21, 2008

An Early Morning Run

It is TOTALLY awesome to the MAX, as the valley girl would say, to run in the park in the wee hours of morning. Today was cold, around 22 degrees, and snowing. No wind to speak of. So, once you warmed up over the first mile, warmth and comfort set in and the next 5 miles just breezed by.

Again, as Tuesdays run, there were a few runners, walkers, and dog walkers. Still very quiet. A nice pace, a little quicker than Tuesday, 8:40/mile or so was attained. The running path was snow covered; no ice, no slipping, no Lights on the Lake (yet); just pure running.

Casual conversation and contemplation ruled the morning. I will say this, I really like running in the darkness of morning. By the time the run ends the sun is beginning to rise and by the time I return home, the day has sprung. I know once I start my work day that I can eat lunch without regret, and I can run the kids around and complete homework w/out rushing to get to the gym or run around town at a late hour.
I look forward to running again tomorrow morning just a little later to see how different it may be. Different walkers, the workers putting the finishing touches on The Lights on the Lake display. Maybe even a few more runners to talk with or to see for the first time. Everyday is an adventure. If you have the desire to run, invite a friend. Enjoy the road to health, fitness, and conversation.

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