Hey gang. I just wanted to let the crew know that I accepted Jennifer's invitation and ran at 5am this Tuesday morning. The snow and some ice were on the ground, but we did complete the 6 mile run. Our conversation was nice and the silence, contemplative. It truly was a good run, easy infact. I can't wait to run again on Friday morning.
The cold is something many of us who are new to running are concerned about because we may not feel as though we have the correct gear to weather the elements, but do not fret. Again, like our Sunday afternoon Mtn Goat run, I over layered. By the end of the run I was sweating big time The temperature according to Dave Eichorn was 28 w/a chill factor of 18. It really wasn't bad.
I wore a tight long sleeve Under Armor, a tec material half zipper, and a full zipper jacket I stole from my son's closet. I wore lose running pants w/a whicking tights beneath and cap and gloves. I unzipped the jacket half way and lost the gloves at the half way point. I probably didn't need to wear the whicking tights beneath the loose running pants. I guess I don't need much more than what a may already possess. However, while at Fleet Feet over the weekend my running shoe are available in gortex, which Jennifer said do i fine job keeping your feet warm and dry. Stop in at TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Fleet Feet (on Erie Blvd.) or any sports store to find the items you may require.
So, the moral of the story is "come on out into the cold; its much nicer than you think." See you on the road.
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