Saturday, March 14, 2009

Team In Training Week Six

Week six's training run presented ten miles, friendly faces, hills, sights, and aromas of all sorts.
It all began early in the morning, waking up at 6am and driving out to Cazenovia where a nice couple opened their house to us runners for a morning gathering and refreshments following the run. The drive out to Stone Quarry Rd was interesting because the side street where we were meeting did not appear on my GPS. I had to wing it. Thankfully, I saw the Team In Training signs directing us where to go.
Upon arrival, runner's cars lined the street and at least 60 running shoes lay on the entrance floor of the home. I wish I had my camera phone; it would have been a terrific picture to post. I removed my shoes like everyone else, but, as dressing in the dark is always trouble, I had a whole in my sock. The luck of the Irish always falls my why. My big toe poked out screaming, "Hey, how you guys doin." Nevertheless, I survived my embarrassment, said my hellos, and visited the restroom before hitting the road.
As usual, I ran with Charlie and Joel. We agreed, like many others to run ten miles today. The conversation was good. I discovered, at the turn around point that I am one of the few runners who like Sarah Palin. The turnaround point was marked by a Cazenovia resident's mailbox with a picture of Mrs. Palin wrapped in an American flag. It was awesome. I wish, once again, I had my camera phone. I love Sarah Palin. She undestands what it means to be an underdog. She communicated with the American public through an anti-American media that doesn't believe that Americans can overcome adversity. But the media is wrong. We can overcome adversity.
I must overcome the resistance among friends and family who will not support my run. Who believe what I am doing is a "waste of time." I must find ways, therefore, to raise awareness and funds to benefit those who fight adversity everyday, the people who suffer from blood cancer like Jane Spellman for whom I run. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and my buddy Tom have given me an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone to help others by running. I really don't know what that means yet. However, previous Team In Training runners tell me about it often. "It all comes together at the end," they say.
While we ran, we crossed brooks, streams, and a water fall. We ran up and down many rolling hills. We even persevered breathing morning air saturated with the odor of cow manure. But, as the modern philosopher George Costanza opined after stepping into a pile, "Manure is not so bad. It has a 'ma' and 'newer'. " I chuckled remembering that episode of Seinfeld and ran on.
Joel, Charlie, and I ran past a wood mill, corn fields, and a dairy farm. The cows, covered in mud, stood ignorantly starring at us as we ran by. I couldn't resist. I called out, "Moo cow." A "black and white" just looked back silently. I knew the cow wanted me to finish strong; I could sense it. The cow had my back.
We stopped at the second water station for a couple small cups of Gatorade to replenish our lost electrolytes not to be used again. Met two ladies there who gave us refreshment, a smile, and hope for the future. we would see and hear them again as they wrapped up their station and drove by us with a friendly HONK. We reached the Sarah Palin mailbox, paid our respects or disrespects and turned around for home. The second water stop brought us to the lord of the manor who opened his home for us and now served us Gatorade. I cannot say enough about the Team In Training volunteers and the ladies from LLS, Maura and Maureen. They are always available and always helpful. Thank you for being there. Nothing can happen without you guys and gals.
We eventually made it back although the back side of the rolling hills were longer and steeper than they were on the front side.
I hope this latest update on my Saturday training run has been a good one. Please use the link below to support my run and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I am reminded of a country and western song which held out the message none of us should wait for others to do what ought to be done now. If you feel compelled to support LLS, please visit my donation page. No donation is too small and all are appreciated. I will not forget you as I train. It only strengthens my resolve to fulfill my commitment to you who supported me. Jane and the Belinsky family, especially thank all of you who have supported us and who will in the future. We are 25% of the way to our goal of $4,500. The secure donation site is:
See you on the road.

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