Week three for Team in Training was great. I met Tim, my team mentor, and ran with Charlie and Joel again. What a good group of folks.
We started out for the 8 mile run from the local Methodist Church after listening to a nutrition lecture and received some helpful charts on how much to eat before, during, and after a run, and what we should eat and drink, too.
The roads were pretty clear considering the 1-2 feet of snow which fell throughout the night. Running on pavement is such a nice experience after running on slush, snow, and ice. Running on slush, snow, and ice changes your stride; it kills my calves. So, I ran, sometimes, on the wrong side of the road just to find pavement. The car traffic was not bad, but when cars passed, they sped by and splashed muck all over us. We completed the run in 1hr and 15 minutes.
As usual with the Team in Training, every 1.5 miles stood a hydration station which makes for a comfortable run and an opportunity to meet the other runners even if its only for 30 seconds or a minute. Upon arrival back at the church, we ate some small carb snacks and drank chocolate milk. The chocolate milk, according to the nutritionist, is a great option after running because it also contains protein.
Each week I run, I come a little closer to my goal-- raising funds for LLS and running my first marathon. I do this for me that is true, but failure is not an option. Thinking of Jane Spellman, who I run in honor of, keeps me focused. I run to help her and others who suffer from blood cancer. My running, my lifestyle change to accomplish a personal health goal only comes full circle when it helps others. So, if you would like to support my run and those like Jane who hope for a cure to blood cancer visit my donation page: http://pages.teamintraining.org/cny/rnr09/wboyd Any amount is appreciated and never too small since we all have a common goal. Your donation is tax deductible and helps us help them, the sufferers and survivors of blood cancer. Thank you for your support
See you on the road.
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